Saturday, May 29, 2010

Robyn Belton's Visit

Robyn Belton came to school. She read about Greedy Cat and Herbert. When she spun a picture, the picture changed. If you looked quickly you would see the fish was in Greddy Cat's tummy.
by Jack

We went to see Robyn Belton. She read us stories. She read us Greedy Cat. I like Robyn Belton because she is an illustrator. I like the pictures. She did some magic. Greedy Cat was on the front side.
by Charlotte

Today we went to see Robyn Belton. She drew us a Greed Cat picture. It was cool seeing Bobyn Belton's picture. I loved it. She spun a necklace and a fish went into Greedy Cat's stomach. The fish was on the other side of the necklace as well. It was cool.
by Payton

On Thursday Robyn Belton came to tell us about Greedy Cat. Robyn Belton is the illustrator of Greedy Cat. Robyn showed us Greedy Cat's Door, Greedy Cat's Christmas and Herbert the Brave Sea Dog. Room 12, Room 11, Room 10, Renwick 3 and Renwick 2 were all there.
by Jordan

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Cats and the Cheese

Samuel was Blacky.

Jack was the Stripey Cat.

Jordan was the Wise Old Tom cat.

Renwick 2 loved seeing the play. All the characters read really well. We loved their face masks and tails too!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Caring for Our Water

Today we made a new list of all the ways we are going to help save water.

1. Wash our hands then turn the tap off.
2. Keep our water clean, don't drop rubbish.
3. Don't fill our glass up if we only want a little drink.
4. Use a bottle of water when we can.
5. Turn off the tap while we are cleaning our teeth.
6. Collect rain water in drums and bowls and use it to water our plants.
7. Put a bowl in the shower to collect the cold water before we get in.
8. Have a shower, not a bath.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Room 12a Opening

Today our class went to the opening of the new classroom. The Te Pouahi children sang two songs, and the new children cut a ribbon. The teacher in the new room is called Lynley. Before we went inside the new room, some children sang a blessing. We think Room 12a is awesome and it smells of paint!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Autumn Photos

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maitai Dam Visit

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