Saturday, May 29, 2010

Robyn Belton's Visit

Robyn Belton came to school. She read about Greedy Cat and Herbert. When she spun a picture, the picture changed. If you looked quickly you would see the fish was in Greddy Cat's tummy.
by Jack

We went to see Robyn Belton. She read us stories. She read us Greedy Cat. I like Robyn Belton because she is an illustrator. I like the pictures. She did some magic. Greedy Cat was on the front side.
by Charlotte

Today we went to see Robyn Belton. She drew us a Greed Cat picture. It was cool seeing Bobyn Belton's picture. I loved it. She spun a necklace and a fish went into Greedy Cat's stomach. The fish was on the other side of the necklace as well. It was cool.
by Payton

On Thursday Robyn Belton came to tell us about Greedy Cat. Robyn Belton is the illustrator of Greedy Cat. Robyn showed us Greedy Cat's Door, Greedy Cat's Christmas and Herbert the Brave Sea Dog. Room 12, Room 11, Room 10, Renwick 3 and Renwick 2 were all there.
by Jordan


  1. Hi Renwick 2. I enjoyed reading your recounts about Robyn Belton's visit. You were very lucky to have her visit.
    I also love the photos of you performing a play - great masks!
    Also - Happy Birthday to Charlotte for tomorrow (Monday). Have a great day. Hope Sam enjoyed his birthday last Wednesday.
    From Teresa

  2. Hi Renwick 2. You were lucky to have Robyn Belton visit. I enjoyed reading your recounts of her visit. Maybe one day one (or more) of you may be a book illustrator. Teresa
