Monday, May 24, 2010

Caring for Our Water

Today we made a new list of all the ways we are going to help save water.

1. Wash our hands then turn the tap off.
2. Keep our water clean, don't drop rubbish.
3. Don't fill our glass up if we only want a little drink.
4. Use a bottle of water when we can.
5. Turn off the tap while we are cleaning our teeth.
6. Collect rain water in drums and bowls and use it to water our plants.
7. Put a bowl in the shower to collect the cold water before we get in.
8. Have a shower, not a bath.

1 comment:

  1. Dear renwick 2
    I really miss you a lot.
    I am in B.C. whith my famly.
    I really hope you are haveing fun in renwick 2.
