Thursday, May 13, 2010

Room 12a Opening

Today our class went to the opening of the new classroom. The Te Pouahi children sang two songs, and the new children cut a ribbon. The teacher in the new room is called Lynley. Before we went inside the new room, some children sang a blessing. We think Room 12a is awesome and it smells of paint!


  1. Hi Renwick 2, especially ex Room 10 folk. I have been looking at your individual work on your blog - you are great artists and very clever with Kid Pix. I couldn't comment on your individual posts (as I don't have the right access code number) but I did tick the 'cool' box at the bottom of your pictures.
    I hope you are all enjoying the birthday season and that you'll have a great time being 6. thinking of you, Teresa

  2. Dear Ren 2
    Tomoro I am going on the Fery. I am excsited.
    And I am going on the plan and my mum has
    an eer infectshun. So my anty is going tak
    us to stay whith my grandma. My grandma has a
    hot-tub. It whil be fun. I hope you have
    fun to.
